You can access self-paced courses for teachers and Echo Administrators on New Tech Network's virtual training site. Each participant is provided a personalized certificate upon successful completion. Step by step instructions for enrolling in the courses are in this facilitator's guide.
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Note: When introducing Echo to students and parents, use the Quick Guide found in the Echo Helpdesk...
What courses are available?
Echo 101 for Secondary Teachers
The Echo 101 course is a self-paced course that guides teachers through basic Echo navigation and features. Using the course, teacher will learn how to create a course, create assignments and other tasks, and grade student work. This course is typically assigned to new staff before school starts and takes 2-3 hours to complete.
Echo 101 for Elementary Teachers
Similar to the Echo 101 for Teachers course but focused on the Elementary learning environment.
Echo Administration
The Echo Administration course covers the technical management of an Echo domain. Participants will learn to configure the school domain, create and manage user accounts, manage courses, and troubleshoot user issues. This course requires Echo Administrator permissions granted in your Echo domain in order to complete the described activities. Each school should identify a few people to act as Echo Administrators. This course takes 3-4 hours to complete.
Echo Lead Onboarding
The Echo Lead is a role in each school fulfilled by a few tech savvy teachers that are willing to support other teachers as they learn to use Echo effectively. This course provides guidance and resources to build a site-based learning plan for staff to get the most out of Echo. Each school should identify an Echo Lead.
Echo for School Leaders
The Echo for School Leaders is for school principals, instructional coaches, and others that need access to projects, courses and student performance data. This course, along with the Echo Lead course, frames how to engage with staff to promote effective Echo use.
Echo 201
The Echo 201 continues where the Echo 101 course left off diving deeper into Echo's features to manage learning. This course is meant to be used after teachers have had an opportunity to use Echo with students for a few weeks. Topics include creating and using groups, leveraging Echo's communication tools, student journals, and peer assessments. This course also shows teachers how to create activity templates to save them time on frequently used course items.
Echo 202
The Echo 202 course showcases Echo's advanced features that help teachers personalize and differentiate instruction for students. Topics include using groups to differentiate the syllabus, using the Clipboard tool to target intervention and extension activities, and using gatekeeper tasks to ensure that students have mastered content or skills before moving on.
Echo 203 Coming Soon!
The Echo 203 course is for teachers eager to take their digital course to the next level. It includes information on using Echo to implement a mastery based assessment approach, advanced testing pools and testing banks, and leveraging external learning tools within Echo using it's LTI capabilities.
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