Adding a course link in an agenda allows students to easily access their work for the day.
Link to course activity
From the homepage click on the "Activities" icon located on the course that needs a link added to the agenda.

From this page, find an agenda that needs a link or create a new agenda and add a link.
1. Click the "Edit Agenda" icon next to the word "Agenda" to begin creating an agenda to add a link to.
2. You can also use the Calendar icon to find a date in the future.

When authoring Agenda content, click the Insert Link (chain icon) button in the toolbar.

In the popup window:
Click on the "Link to course activity" button (book icon).

You can either start typing in the "choose course activity" search bar, or click the "hamburger menu" at the end of the search bar to go through the folder tree to find the activity.

1. By default the "text" section will be auto-filled with the title of the activity. If you'd like to use different text for the link, select the auto-filled text and replace it.
2. Open in new window. When the link is click on, Echo will navigate the windows to a paired-down version of the activity player that acts like a full-screen window containing the activities contents.
3. Click "Insert Link" when done.

If you click once more on the now linked text, you have options to:
1. Open the link (display which folder/activity the text is linked to)
2. Edit the link (change the folder/activity the text is linked to)
3. Unlink (remove the link from the text)

Click Save to solidify changes to the Agenda.

Link to outside source
You can also link to content outside of Echo. Either click the Insert Link button again, or highlight text to be linked.

1. Copy the URL from the outside source and paste it into the URL section of the pop-up window.
2. Click Insert.

If you click once more on the now linked text, you have options to:
1. Open in a new window. When the link is click on, Echo will navigate the windows to a paired-down version of the activity player that acts like a full-screen window containing the activities contents.
2. Edit the link (change the URL the text is linked to)
3. Unlink (remove the link from the text)

Click Save to solidify changes to the Agenda.

Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn’t match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
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