Echo's gradebook settings allow teachers to customize how grades calculated and displayed. The allows Echo to meet the needs of almost any assessment philosophy and strategy. Find and adjust gradebook settings, open the Course Settings tool to find several gradebook related panels.
From here one can enable:
From the homepage click on the Editor icon located on the course that needs the gradebook set up.

Click the tools icon located in the top toolbar and from the drop down menu select Course settings.

This page allows for access to all gradebook settings.

Gradebook options
Within gradebook options choose the:
- Passing score
- Grade scale
- Course grade view

Multi-outcome Scoring
Within multi-outcome scoring select:
- Color of outcome
- Weight of outcome
- Percent of outcome
- Delete an outcome
- Add an outcome
Note: Double-check your activities if deleting an outcome, as deleting an outcome assigned to activities will affect the gradebook and scores.

Grade Categories
Grading categories can be used by teachers to classify assignments into types or groups. For example, assignments could be grouped into tests, homework, and classwork. This can give teachers additional insite into student performance, allow them to set up category weighting, or to drop lowest scores in a category
Note: If the Grade Categories panel is not visible, it may have been turned off in your domain to simplify the interface. Check with your Echo Administrator about turning this feature on.
It's important to remember that when the MOS is enabled, the traditional grading categories are not used when calculating the course grade. The outcome weighting of the MOS is used instead. The grading categories feature can still be used to sort items in the gradebook or to drop the lowest scores in the grading category.
To use the Grading categories feature, find the Grading categories panel in the course settings. On the panel:
- Enable grading categories by checking the box
- Click Add Grading Category to create a new category or click an existing category to edit. This will bring up a new window with several options.
- Add or edit the category name
- Select how you want the category grade to be displayed
- Select the number of lowest scored activities to drop from the category grade
- If the category will be used for extra credit, enable that using the check box
- Click Done to save your changes.

Objective Mastery
Within objective mastery select:
- Objective mastery threshold
- Grade scale
- Minimum number of questions for a formative assessment
- Minimum score able to receive on a formative assessment
- Minimum number of questions on a remediation assessment
- Minimum score able to be received on a remediation assessment

Grade Scales
Within grade scales:
- Adjust the different grading scales needed for this course
- Delete grading scales that are not needed
- Add custom grading scales
See this article for more information on how to set up grade scales.

Now the course gradebook has been set up. Select Save located in the top toolbar.

Additional Tips:
How do I enable grading periods in my course?
How do I setup multi-outcome scoring in my course?
Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn’t match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
1 comment
As of 2018, grade categories do not exist in the teacher course editor menu. Grade categories included the feature of dropping the lowest grade from that category. Will that be returned or is it permanently gone? It was a wonderful feature.
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