What is a File Attachment?
A File Attachment can be a picture, a word document, a movie, a sound file, an Excel document, or any other file that requires another program to open it.
How do I add a File Attachment to my course?
To add a File Attachment, enter a course through the Editor tool.

Click +Add Activity.

Click File Attachment.

When adding a File Attachment activity:
- Give the activity a title.
- Choose the file that needs to be uploaded.
- Click OK.

Now the File Attachment activity shows within the Editor Tool of the course.
There are more settings that can be adjusted within this activity.
To begin adjusting these settings click the Editor icon located next to the File Attachment activity.

Within the File Attachment activity there are 3 tabs:
- Activity
- Settings
- History

Within the Activity Tab:
1. Add a thumbnail for the activity.
2. See the type of content the File Attachment is.
3. Add activity instructions if there are any.
4. Add attachments that students might need to go with the File Attachment.
5. Select a specific group of students to assign the activity to if needed.
NOTE: Student groups must be set up before assigning this activity to a specific group of students.

Within the Settings tab you can adjust the following settings:
- Activity settings
- Gradebook and submission
- Visibility and access
- Objective mastery
- Badges
- Metadata
- Advanced activity options
- Objectives must be imported into the course prior to adjusting this setting.
- Gradebook settings are usually not enabled for a File Attachment as they are usually used as a course resource or paired with another assignment.

Within the History tab a teacher can see when students have accessed the File Attachment or when changes have been made to it.

Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn’t match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
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