The Student grader allows teachers to grade and make changes to a specific student’s score on a specific activity.
Teachers can easily jump from one student to another for easy grading.
From this screen, teachers and admins with appropriate permissions can:
- Print grades.
- Batch-update grades for the student on multiple activities.
- View activity Grades and grade them.
- View overall grades and progress in the student Dashboard.
- Review personalized For me tasks.
- Use the What if tool to explore grade possibilities for the student.
- Review the student's recent Activity in the course.
- Review Objective mastery.
- Review Badges earned.
- Review the student's Stream.
- Review the student's To-do list.
Accessing the Student Grader
To access the Student grader, enter a course through the Gradebook tool.
Select the Activities tab and click on an activity that needs grading.
Select a student to start with.
NOTE: Students with a document icon in the status column have submitted this assignment, those with nothing in the status column have not.
This is the Student grader page.
Grading with the Student Grader
The Grade editor is made up of two panels: the Student panel and the Grading panel.
The Student panel displays information about the activity.
Under the student's name:
- Activity: Click the activity name to view the activity
- Grading period: shows which grading period this activity is assigned to
- Due date: when the activity is/was due
- Submitted: the date in which the activity was submitted by the student.
Three tabs across the top:
1. Content: Shows what the student submitted
2. Score/Activity history: shows date and time the student submitted, Status of the activity (whether it has been completed or not), the score they received or, if they haven't received a score yet it will read "completed, needs grading, how many times the student visited the activity, the time they spent, and who it the activity was submitted by
3. Submission history: When and at what time the student submitted the activity
The grading panel allows you to:
- Give points for each learning outcome associated with this assignment
- Give full credit
- Give no credit
- Clear scores
- Save draft, if you need to take a break while grading, or plan to return later
- Submit score, which will add it to the gradebook and return to the student
- Excuse the assignment, so it does not impact the student's grade
- Allow a retry
- Override complete, if this assignment must be completed before moving on to the next, you can override that requirement, to allow the student to move on.
- Leave student feedback
- Create or use a previously created feedback template
- Return an attachment, for example: a rubric
- Add a private note, that only you and other course teachers can see
Once you are done grading this student's work, you can easily jump to the next student in the top tool bar.
Batch-update grades
From the student Grades screen, you can Batch-update grades for multiple activities for the selected student.
To do so:
- Click the Enable batch-update grading button in the toolbar.
- Check the boxes next to activities you want to update grades for.
- Click Allow retry or Excuse button to apply the grade update.
Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn’t match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
When does an assignment appear in the "To Do" section? I assumed that work appeared there whenever students submitted an assignment, re-submitted an assignment, or submitted an assignment when late. That doesn't always seem to happen, which makes it difficult to track student work. Is there a setting I need to address?
Use the To-do List to see what your students have submitted and what you need to grade. By default, your students' To-do List displays past-due assignments and assignments with due dates coming up within seven days. If you have an assignment where that is not happening, please submit a ticket to the Help Center and let them know the exact course and assignment. Thanks
Can we excuse a certain portion of an assignment? In the screenshot I have attached to this I have a student who has not/will not be able to present through no fault of their own. They have done the work, but it keeps giving them a zero for oral communication.
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