LTI specification establishes a way to integrate external learning applications, like Turnitin and ALEKS, with Echo.
Note: Echo has actively supported IMS Global's LTI specification since it was created in 2010. Echo is an IMS-certified LTI 1.1 learning platform, which allows you to access other LTI-certified tools from within Echo.
In 2019, IMS announced that its LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage specifications, which provide additional functionality and security, would replace the soon-to-be deprecated LTI 1.1 specification. Echo continues to support LTI 1.1, and Echo is also now an IMS-certified platform for LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage.
Create LTI 1.1 activities
In order to create activities with LTI 1.1, the LTI service must provide you with:
- The website to which you should point the activity (the hostname).
- An LTI Key and LTI Secret or an LTI Configuration XML. If the LTI is configured at the Domain, you don't need to use this here.
Add the activity
Click the "+Add..." button to add an activity.
1. In the activity settings, scroll down to the Content section.
2. Click the "website" selection from the radio buttons.
3. Enter the URL for the LTI activity.
4. Click the checkbox for Digitally sign the request for LTI box and:
Enter the Key and Secret in the appropriate fields, or
Click Load LTI configuration and paste the Configuration XML information into its field and click Parse XML to automatically populate the Key and Secret fields.
Note: If the LTI is configured at the domain, you don't have to complete these fields.
5. Click Save
If you check the Popup in a new window box for the activity, users are prompted in the Echo window to navigate to the new window. If you link to this activity from another activity, users are not prompted and Echo just opens the new window.
Configure the activity
Once you've created the assignment, click the Activities tab in the main menu and open it. For some LTI services, like Turnitin, Echo opens the LTI service's dashboard where you can configure your assignment. If not, you can build the activity using the service's website and opening it here allows you to preview the activity.
Consult the LTI service's directions for activity creation.
Create LTI 1.3 activities
You can create LTI 1.3 activities in three ways:
- Create LTI activities in a course using the tool's URL (like as the activity's content and checking the Digitally sign this activity for LTI checkbox (in the same they're created for LTI 1.1).
- Import LTI-link activities from an IMS Common Cartridge file that a tool-provider provides.
- Create LTI links in a course using the Add activity screen if the LTI 1.3 tool supports Deep Linking.
Create LTI links in a course
In order to create LTI links using the Add activity screen, the tool has to:
- Support Deep Linking.
- Be integrated either at the domain by an administrator, or at the course by a teacher.
1. Configure Course settings for LTI 1.3 tools
If the LTI 1.3 tool is not configured at the domain, you have to first configure the LTI 1.3 tool in Course settings:
- Click Add on the External tools (LTI 1.3) card.
- Provide the following:
- Tool Title as you want it to appear.
- A Description of the tool.
- A DNS Tool hostname (such as
- The following fields are provided by the tool: ClientID, OpenID connect login URL, Tool key set URL, Tool redirect URL.
- In the User data sent at launch dropdown, check the boxes next to the user data you want included:
- Given name
- Family name
- Display name
- In the LTI services dropdown, check the boxes next to the services included in the tool:
- Assignment and grade
- Names and role provisioning
- Deep linking
- Click Done and Save.
- Deep link the activity.
2. Deep linking LTI 1.3 activities
If an LTI 1.3 tool supports Deep Linking, and is configured at the domain or at the course level, you can create LTI links in a course using the Add activity screen.
- Select the External tools tab that appears in the Add activity screen if an LTI tool that allows creating activities is configured in your domain. ADD SCREEN SHOT
- Some LTIs, like Turnitin, don't trigger a notification when a student submits an assignment. To make sure you know when your students have submitted an LTI activity, create a companion activity in Echo that asks students to Mark this activity complete once they've submitted the LTI activity.
Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn’t match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
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