Note: One or more features described in this document may not be enabled in your domain. Contact your Echo Administrator for more information.
Students must meet the objective mastery threshold to show objective mastery.
The objective mastery threshold is the percentage of points a student has to earn on an objective-aligned activity to show mastery of that objective. If an objective is aligned with multiple activities, Echo uses the weighted average. By default, the objective mastery threshold is set at 70%.
To modify the threshold, click on the Edit pencil next to a course to be taken to the course editor.
Click on the Tools button (wrench icon) to bring up the dropdown. Click on Course settings.
When in course settings, scroll down to the Objective Mastery section.
Modify the objective mastery threshold (%) field if needed. This field is only visible after objectives have been added to the course.
Click Save
Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn’t match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
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