Edit Course Cards
Course Cards appear on the Student and Teacher homepage. They're one of the first things that students see upon signing into Echo, so it's worth taking some time to make sure they display properly.
Course Cards display:
- Course title, term, color, and image (these are all managed through the Course Editor)
Course progress: If a course is set up to display student progress, students see a progress bar that indicates how many of the gradable activities they have completed.
- To remove: check Hide student course-completion percentage box in the Course Editor under Gradebook Options.
- Students grade/score: A teacher can define the format (letter grade, points, or percentage)
Manage Course Card title, term, color, and image
Open the Editor tool on a course card by clicking on the pencil icon.
Click Tools and select Course Settings
1. Define the title and term of the course their respective fields.
2. Upload a course image and/or choose the color for the thumbnail.
- Recommended thumbnail file type: PNG or JPG (Buzz converts all files into PNGs)
- Ideal thumbnail size: 400px x 400px (Buzz automatically resizes images, so uploading images smaller than 400px x 400px may reduce quality)
To change the color, enter a hexadecimal color code.
Use this website to find a color, and then copy the code. https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_hexadecimal.asp
3. Click Save
Manage Course Card grade display
Click Tools and select Course settings.
Under the Gradebook Options, click any applicable check boxes. The course grade view defaults to percent (%).
Click Save
Hide course completion indicator
Advanced Options check Hide student course-completion percentage.
Click Save
Hide Course Cards
Teachers can manage their home pages easily by hiding courses they don't use. From the homepage, click Manage Courses and select View/Delete Courses.
From View/Delete Courses one can:
- Hide a course
- Hide To-Do (this hides the Needs Grading)
- See all active courses
- Start and End Dates
- Course ID
- Delete
Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn’t match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
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