Note: This document references views and actions that are only available to Echo Administrators
Save time with batch imports
What can you import?
Echo allows you to import course, enrollment, user, objective, observer data. Anywhere you see an Import button in the Admin app, you have the power to batch import data directly into your domain. Just click Import and upload a tab-delimited or comma-delimited file with your data. Review the sections below to learn how to format these files.
Formatting tab-delimited and comma-separated files for import
Echo allows you to set up courses, users, enrollments, and other data by importing a tab-delimited values text file (.txt) or a comma-separated values file (.csv). These file types use plain text and pre-determined (according to the type of imported data) fields to organize data as tables. Review the sections below to learn more about each type of import and the supported fields associated with each.
Although the fields you're required to include in your file vary based on the type of data you're importing (e.g., users, enrollments, courses, etc.), the formatting rules remain the same. To format a tab-delimited or comma-separated file:
- On the first line, list the supported fields you want to define. Think of these as your table headers. List the fields in the order (top-to-bottom) outlined in the tables below, separating each with only a comma (no spaces). For example, if you wanted to create a course import file that defines the Action, Title, and Course Id fields, your first line would look like this:
Action,Title,Course Id
- On the next line, provide content about a course for each of the fields you entered on the first line. So, if you want to add a course titled "Geometry 1" with "course_1" as its course ID, your second like would look like this:
Action,Title,Course Id
Add,Geometry 1,course_1
- Repeat step two for every course you want to edit with this import. You can indicate no edits to a field in the middle of a line by entering no content between commas (see line three below). If you don't want to make changes to the field at the end of the line, simply leave it out (see line four).
Action,Title,Course Id
Add,Geometry 1,course_1
Delete,Geometry 3
Importing Course Data
Importing course data allows you to edit many courses in one process.
The table below lists and describes the supported fields you can include in your tab-delimited or comma-separated file when importing courses.
Supported fields for course imports
The entries under Column Header represent your options in editing data. The first two column entries (Action and Copy Action) represent actions, the remaining represent types of data.
On the first line of your file, list those column entries that you want to define, separated by commas. On the remaining lines, enter the information for each entry. Your file will look something like this:
Action,Copy Action,Title,Course Id,Base Id
Add,Sibling,Geometry 1,course_1,Master_Course_1
Delete,,Geometry 3
Column Header | Description |
Action | Enter one of the following values: Add (default), Delete, or Edit. |
Copy Action | Use the Add action to build a course from an existing Base Course. To do so, include the Base Id and specify how the new course relates to it by including a copy action field in your file and entering one of the following copy action values: Copy (static), Child (default), or Sibling. To learn how these copy actions differ, visit How do Master and Derivative Courses work?. If you do not include a Base Id, this action will create a new blank course. |
Title | Course title. |
Type | Range or Continuous. |
Start Date | Start date of a range course. Please use the Year/Month/Day format, such as 2009/1/30 or 1999/10/03. |
End Date | End date of a range course. Please use the Year/Month/Day format, such as 2009/1/30 or 1999/10/03. |
Days | Number of days in a continuous course. |
Term | Term for this course. |
Course Id | Echo id for the course. |
Course Guid | Guid for the course. |
Course Reference or Course External Id | External id (reference) for the course. |
Base Id | Echo id for the Base Course. The add action requires an id for the base course, if you want to start with an existing course. The id can be either base id, base guid, or base reference. |
Base Guid | Guid for the base course. |
Base Reference or Base External Id | External id (reference) for the base course. |
Base Domain Id or Base Domain Guid or Base Userspace or Base Login Prefix | Domain identifiers if the base course is in a different domain. See Domain Identifiers for more information. |
- We recommend that all batch imports of courses specify an external ID for courses in the import file. The external ID property is specified by the user and should contain a unique ID for the item. Typically, the external ID corresponds to the course's ID in another system at your institution.
- Echo does not enforce uniqueness of the Course External IDs, so you must verify that they are unique when you create the import file.
Importing Enrollment Data
Importing enrollment data allows you to assign many students to specific courses (or sections) in a single process.
Each enrollment row in the file assigns a user to a course (or section). (There are limitations if you include both section and course enrollments in a single file. See the Role column below for more details.) Users are identified by their User External ID, and courses (or sections) are identified by their Course (or Section) External ID. Both fields are set by the administrator and should contain a unique ID for the item. Often the External ID is the ID of the item from an external system.
The following table lists and describes the supported fields you can include in your tab-delimited or comma-separated file when importing enrollments.
Supported fields for enrollment imports
The entries under Column Header represent your options in editing data. The first column entry (Action) represents an action, the remaining represent types of data.
On the first line of your file, list those column entries that you want to define, separated by commas. On the remaining lines, enter the information for each entry. Your file will look something like this:
Action,Role,Enrollment Id,Course Id
Column Header | Description |
Action | Add, Delete, or Edit. Defaults to Add. |
Flags | Numeric number of the privilege flags for the enrollment. Use either Flags or Role. |
Role | Role for the user, as defined by domain administrator, see Roles and Permissions. If your import file contains a column with a Section field specified in the column header, the import uses only roles that are defined as Section roles; otherwise, it uses Roles defined as Course roles. You cannot Add or Edit both course and section enrollments in a single import file if using the Role column. Instead, use the Flags column or create an import file for section enrollments and a separate one for course enrollments. |
Status | Active, Withdrawn No Score, Withdrawn Failed, Transferred, Completed, Completed No Credit, Suspended, or Inactive. Defaults to Active. |
Start Date | First day of enrollment. Defaults to course (or section) start date. Please use the Year/Month/Day format, such as 2009/1/30 or 1999/10/03. |
End Date | Last day of enrollment. Defaults to course (or section) end date. Please use the Year/Month/Day format, such as 2009/1/30 or 1999/10/03. |
Enrollment Id | Echo Id of the enrollment. The Edit and Delete action requires an id for the enrollment which can be either enrollment id, enrollment guid, or reference. |
Enrollment Guid | Guid for the enrollment. |
Reference, External Id or Enrollment External Id |
External id (reference) for the enrollment. |
User Id | Echo user id for the user to enroll. The Add action requires an id for the user which can be either user id, user guid, username, or user reference. |
User Guid | Guid for the user to enroll. |
Username | Username for the user to enroll. |
User Reference or User External Id |
External id (reference) for the user to enroll. |
User Domain Id or User Domain Guid or User Userspace or User Login Prefix |
Domain identifiers if the user is in a different domain. See Domain Identifiers for more information. |
Course Id | Echo id for the course to enroll in. The batch enrollment can enroll either in courses or sections, you must specify either a course or a section. The Add action requires an id for the course which can be either course id, course guid, or course reference. |
Course Guid | Guid for the course to enroll in. |
Course Reference or Course External Id |
External id (reference) for the course to enroll in. |
Course Domain Id or Course Domain Guid or Course Userspace or Course Login Prefix |
Domain identifiers if the course is in a different domain. See Domain Identifiers for more information. |
Section Id | Echo id for the section to enroll in. The add action requires and id for the section, which can be either section id, section guid, or section reference. |
Section Guid | Guid for the section to enroll in. |
Section Reference or Section External Id |
External id (reference) for the section to enroll in. |
- We recommend that all batch import enrollments specify an Enrollment External ID, which can be used later to edit or delete enrollments.
- Echo does not enforce uniqueness of the Enrollment External IDs, so you must verify that they are unique when you create the import file.
Importing Objective data
Importing objective data allows you to create large sets of objectives in one process.
The following table lists and describes the supported fields you can include in your tab-delimited or comma-separated file when importing objectives.
Supported fields for objective imports
The entries under Column Header represent your options in editing data. The first column entry (Action) represents an action, the remaining represent types of data.
On the first line of your file, list those column entries that you want to define, separated by commas. On the remaining lines, enter the information for each entry. Your file will look something like this:
Action,User Id,Observee Id
Column Header | Description |
Action | Add or Delete |
Set Id | The map set to import into. If you've selected the map set in the Admin app, you don't need to provide this. |
Guid | The globally unique identifier for the objective. |
Id | Identifier of the user or enrollment who will be observed. |
Title | The title or description of the objective. |
Reference | A field that identifies the objective in other systems such as ASN. |
Grades | A *bit-wise OR of GradeLevels that indicates the applicable grades for this objective. |
Subject | The academic subject for this objective. |
Parent | The unique identifier of the parent objective, if any. |
Importing objective data allows you to create large sets of objectives in one process. The following table lists and describes the supported fields you can include in your tab-delimited or comma-separated file when importing objectives.
Supported fields for objective imports
The entries under Column Header represent your options in editing data. The first column entry (Action) represents an action, the remaining represent type of data.
On the first line of your file, list those column entries that you want to define, separated by commas. On the remaining lines, enter the information for each entry. Your file will look something like this:
Action,Set Id,Guid,Title
Edit,objective_set_1,######,Determine whether a solution is reasonable in the context of the original situation.
Add,objective_set_2,######,Identify chords, tangents, radii, and great circles of spheres.
Add,objective_set_2,######,Solve real-world problems involving right triangles.
Importing observer data
Importing observer data allows you to edit observer roles in one process.
The following table lists and describes the supported fields you can include in your tab-delimited or comma-separated file when importing observers.
Supported fields for observer imports
Column Header | Description |
Action | Add or Delete |
User Id, Username, User Reference, or User External Id | Identifier of the user who will observe another user. |
Observee Id, Observee Username, Observee Reference, or Observee External Id, OR Enrollment Id, Enrollment Reference, or Enrollment External Id | Identifier of the user or enrollment who will be observed. |
Importing user data
Importing user data allows you to set up many users in one process.
The following table lists and describes the supported fields you can include in your tab-delimited or comma-separated file when importing user data. The third column indicates which fields can be used for editing users.
Supported fields for user imports
Column Header | Description | Allow Edit |
Action | Add, Delete, or Edit. Defaults to Add. | N/A |
First name | User's first name | Yes |
Last name | User's last name. | Yes |
Username | Name user will use when logging in to the system. | Yes |
Password | User password. | No |
External Id or Reference | External ID of user. | Yes |
User email address (this will be used for resetting passwords as well as for communications from course instructors). | Yes | |
Password Question | Security question asked when requesting to reset a password. | No |
Password Answer | Answer to security question. | No |
Description | Long text description. | Yes |
User Id | Internal User Id. You cannot set this value, but you can use it to reference users for Edit and Delete actions. | No |
User Guid | Internal User Guid. You cannot set this value, but you can use it to reference users for Edit and Delete actions. | No |
Flags | RightsFlags for the user in the domain. Enables you to automatically grant domain rights to the new user. | No |
Role | Role for the user in the domain, as defined by domain administrator, see Echo Roles and Permissions. Enables you to automatically grant domain rights to the new user. | No |
Status | Status of user. Valid values are Active and Inactive. | Yes |
meta-EchoUserType | Type of user. Valid values are Student, Staff, Parent, Test Account. | Yes |
meta-EchoGradYear | Grad year for a student. Ex: 20XX | Yes |
meta-EchoIEP | Valid values are Yes or No | Yes |
- The Username for each user must be unique. In addition, all users have an External ID which should contain an additional unique ID for the user. Normally the External ID is the ID of the user from a third party system, such as a student information system. We recommend that all user batch imports specify a User External ID.
- Echo does not enforce uniqueness of the Enrollment External ID. You must verify that the external IDs are unique when you create the import file.
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