Use remediation assessments to personalize your students' learning path
Align objectives to activities and assessment questions
Setting up a remediation assessment is aligning the targeted objectives with both the assessment questions and the activities that you want included as remediation.
- To make sure the objectives are available in the course review: How do I create and/or import objectives?
- To align the activities that you want used as remediation with objectives: How do I align activities with objectives?
To align assessment questions with objectives:
In the Course Editor, click on the pencil icon next to the assessment that needs edits.
Click on the Questions tab in the Activity Editor. Click on the question to be edited in the left-hand panel.
Scroll down in the right hand panel of the question to edit the section "Objective Mastery." Click on the link "Choose Objective."
1. There are two options: "Inherited and selected objectives" and "all objectives." Selected objectives are the standards assigned to the specific activity; all objectives are the standards available for the entire course.
2. Click the checkboxes next to each applicable standard.
3. Click "Done" when finished.
Configure assessment settings for remediation
Once questions have been aligned to standards, click the Settings tab in the Activity Editor. Scroll down to the "Advanced assessment options" section. Click on the down arrow icon to expand the section.
Configure assessment options as needed, but be sure to click the checkbox next to "remediation assessment."
Click "Save" when done making changes.
Configure passing criteria
Click the Tools button (wrench icon) click on Course settings.
Scroll down on the course settings page to view the Objective Mastery section. In the Remediation Assessment section, specify the "Minimum number of questions" that need to be aligned with a standard, as well as the overall "Minimum score" a student can earn on those questions before receiving remediation activity suggestions. Click "Save" at the top righthand corner when done.
Additional articles
- For best results, keep your objective alignments simple and specific.
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