How do I Import Users?




  • Permanently deleted user

    I successfully added 117 students tonight! Yeah! I used the UserCreation2018.csv file to set up my user file; the only aspect that didn't work, and I didn't notice in time was the Echo user role. In the file, it says student. I just pull-down copied that role 117 times, but I think it may not have worked because I should have added " " around the word. Might that be the case? I will edit the files individually, but I wanted to know if that was the case? That said, I really did enjoy not having to type out the info for 117 new students (so far). :)

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  • Stephanie Kolcun

    Hi Jayne, Student and Parents do not get a RoleID assigned. This is only for Staff. Thank you however, I see this step being confusing and will update the documentation.  Also, I see you can open support tickets, you may want to do that instead of leaving a comment in the documentation as we don't always see them. 

    1. Role -  (Mandatory) Enter "Staff" for Staff accounts only; Leave blank for Student and Parents
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