Note: This document references views and actions that are only available to Echo Administrators
Secure your user's information with greater control over password requirements. The following is performed by the Echo Administrator
To set your password policy:
- Open the vertical menu in the toolbar of Domain Details.
- Select Domain Settings.

Echo allows you to set:
- Minimum password length: This number represents the lowest number of characters the password must contain.
- Minimum character classes used: This number represents the minimum number (up to four) of character classes (lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and special symbols) the password must contain.
- Must change password after: This duration can be set in various units (days, years, months, etc.) and must be entered using International Organization for Standardization (ISO) designators (see table below).
- Cannot reuse passwords for: This duration can be set in various units (days, years, months, etc.) and must be entered using ISO designators (see table below).
- Lockout after unsuccessful login attempts: This number represents the number of failed logins before the user is locked out.
- Lockout lasts for: This duration can be set in various units (days, years, months, etc.) and must be entered using ISO designators (see table below). You can manually override password lockouts if necessary.
The Authentication tab you can “Allow users to create their own accounts” and/or set password policy for your domain. If selecting set password policy use the ISO duration designators below to configure durations of this policy.

ISO duration designators
ISO durations use one-letter designators and a simple format to indicate standardized time intervals. To enter a duration:
- Enter P (period) if you want to use days, weeks, months, or years as your unit of time, and PT (period, time) if you want to use seconds, minutes, or hours.
- Enter the number of units that you want to use.
Enter the desired time unit designators:
- D (days), W (weeks), M (months), Y (years) if you used P.
- S (seconds), M (minutes), H (hours) if you used PT.
Click Save to apply these setting before closing this window
Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn't match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
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