Are you co-teaching? Team-teaching? Did you set up the course and now you want to add your partner? Here is how!
When using the Teacher App, click on the People icon on any course card to open the course editor.
Click on the Tools button (wrench icon) in the top menu.
From the dropdown that appears, click on Manage Enrollments.
A new window will pop up showing current enrollments. Click the Add button.
1. To add a co-teacher, make sure to change the role to Teacher-Owner (default is Student).
2. Find the user by searching first or last name.
3. Click the checkbox under Enroll next to their name.
4. Click Enroll.
Another confirmation window will appear. Click Yes to confirm.
Now the teacher is enrolled in the course as an additional teacher.
Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn’t match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
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