Bulk Edit
- Open your course
- Click the Course Editor
- Click the Activity List Tab
On the homepage, click the Editor next to the course that needs editing.

1. Click the Activity List tab in the Course Editor.
2. (IF USING GRADING PERIODS) If you're looking to bulk edit all activities across grading periods, choose "All Periods" from the Grading Periods dropdown; otherwise you will only see all activities in the currently selected grading period.

In the top panel, you can filter by activity title, type of activity, or location. If you'd like to update all items in a specific project, filter by location and use the folder name to find all of those items.

Using the checkboxes next to each item, select which items need to be updated. Then click the Bulk Edit button (pencil icon).

An additional popup window will appear with bulk edit options. Select what items need updating and check the box: I understand that these changes are permanent and I confirm that I want to proceed.

Once updated, you will see a Success dialog box to show the activities were changed.

Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn’t match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
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