The Echo Viewer is a mobile app available for iOS devices like an iPhone or iPad. It provides students and parents quick access to grades, course agendas, to-do lists, and more.
What is my school domain name?
The Echo Viewer app requires that students know their school domain or ID. The school domain is the first part of the URL used to access Echo using a web browser. For example, if the URL was, then the domain would be "jeffersonhs".
NOTE: Parents may have a different domain than the students. Check with your school to obtain the domain name for parent access.
--> Use this slide to quickly help students get started.
--> Use this template to help parents access Echo via the web or mobile app.
For more guidance on using the mobile app, see below.
- Download the App
- Login to the App
- Navigating the App
Download the App
1. On an Apple mobile device, select the App Store icon.
2. Select the search option.
3. Type in Echo Viewer.
4. Select "Get".

Login to the Echo Viewer App
From the homescreen on an Apple mobile device, select the Echo Viewer App and click Login.

To login to the Echo Viewer app you will need:
1. A domain or school ID.
( the bolded part of your school's Echo URL is your domain.
2. A username and password.
A school leader or teacher will provide students with the above information.

Once logged in a student will be able to view:
1. An overall percentage of performance in school wide learning outcomes for all courses.
2. All courses enrolled in as well as current score in each course.

Click on a course to see:
1. Achievement in relation to school wide learning outcomes.
2. Scores earned on recent assignments.

To-Do List
1. Select To-Do List at the bottom of the screen.
2. Here one can see upcoming assignments for all courses.

To see upcoming assignments for a specific course, use the filter feature.

Activity Stream
1. Select Activity Stream at the bottom of the screen.
2. Here one can see a chronological list of activity for all courses.

To see an activity stream for a specific course, use the filter feature.

1. Select Agenda at the bottom of the screen to view courses with an agenda for that day.
2. If a course has an agenda it will appear in bold. Select a course to view the agenda for that day.

Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn’t match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
1 comment
can not get it to work.
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