Echo user manual: Admins Stephanie Kolcun October 19, 2020 17:30 Updated Follow General Echo System Requirements and Staff Training Guidelines How do I Sync Echo with my Student Information System? How do I submit a Support Ticket for Echo? Admin App Overview Domain Configuration How do I manage the domain settings? How do I configure Terms and Grading Periods in the domain How do I configure the advanced feature controls? How do I add course templates to my domain? How do I integrate G Suite to enable Google Drive collaboration? User Management Domain and Course Roles How do I import data into Echo? How do I Import Users? How do I manage Parent and Observer accounts How do I manually create a user? How do I move users from one domain to another? How do I Update User Information? Course / Enrollment Management How do enrollment start and end dates control course access? How do I manage a user's enrollments? How do I move a student between courses? How do I use the Courses tool? How do Base and Derivative Courses work? Echo Admin Tools How do I export user data? How do I proxy as another user? How do I undelete users, enrollments, and courses Reports How do I print student grade reports? Supporting your Teachers How do I access the Echo Teacher training courses? Additional Articles Common Issues and Solutions Check Lists for Admins Related articles How do I associate parents (observer) account with students using an import file? How do I import data into Echo? Echo user manual: Teachers Echo System Requirements and Staff Training Guidelines How do I export user data? Comments 0 comments Please sign in to leave a comment.
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