The Teacher Dashboard aggregates and displays data about student performance, progress, and teacher responsiveness. The Teacher Dashboard is available on the Homepage by clicking on the Dashboard tab.

Performance summary
The performance summary card displays:
- Bar graphs comparing the number of activities that you have graded on each day against the number of activities that still need grading at the end of the day.
- Hover over a day in either graph to get the specific numbers.
- A summary of teacher responsiveness with regard to grading activities; click it to open the Needs Grading tool.
- A student performance summary; click it to open the People tool with the data filtered to show critical students (students at risk of failing).
- A student pace summary; click it to open the People tool with the data filtered to show students who are behind schedule.

Course and Student summaries
- The Course summary card summarizes information such as the number of active courses and which courses have students who need critical attention. Click the summaries for details.
- The Student summary card summarizes information like the number of active students and how many students need critical attention. Click the summaries for details.

Active courses
The active courses card:
- Lists the number of students in each active course.
Shows your overall teacher responsiveness in grading activities for each course and allows you to sort the information according it. You can click the status indicators in this column to open the Needs Grading tool. The status indicators appear in one of three colors:
- Green means you have graded all submitted, gradable items within 2 days or less.
- Yellow means one or more submitted, gradable items have gone 3 or more days ungraded.
- Red means one or more submitted, gradable items have gone 6 or more days ungraded.
Shows aggregated student performance for each course and allows you to sort the information according it. You can click the status indicators in this column to open the People tool with the data filtered to show critical students (students at risk of failing). The status indicators appear in one of three colors:
- Green means that, in aggregate, your students are performing above 10% of the minimum grade for the course.
- Yellow means that, in aggregate, your students have failed in 1 of their last five submissions or they are within 10% of failing the course.
- Red means that, in aggregate, your students have failed 2 of their last five submissions or they are failing the course.
Shows the overall student pace for each course and allows you to sort the information according it. You can click the status indicators in this column to open the People tool with the data filtered to show students who are behind schedule. The status indicators appear in one of three colors:
- Green means that, in aggregate, your students are submitting all gradable items on time or that less than 10% are past due.
- Yellow means that, in aggregate, your students have 10% or more of gradable items past due.
- Red means that, in aggregate, your students have 30% or more of gradable items past due.

Note: Status indicators are not updated in real time. They are updated periodically based on the gradebook data for all courses.
Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn’t match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
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