Google Workspace Integration Overview
Note: The Google Workspace integration goes beyond the standard Google integration that is already available for all users. This feature must be configured and enabled by an Echo Administrator who has permissions to manage your schools Google domain.
Echo's Google Workspace integration dramatically enhances how Google Docs can be leveraged in Echo courses by mimicking many features found in Google Classroom including:
- Automatically adjusting document permissions when students submit work so that teachers can access them.
- Easy creation of Google docs for students to use as a submission that is automatically shared with their teacher
- Use of Google templates through the student annotation feature that are copied by the student and automatically shared with the teacher
- PDF Snapshots of student work to prevent students from submitting a blank document before the due date and adding their content later
Easy Google Doc Creation and Sharing within Echo
When an assignment is created, within the settings a teacher has the option to choose Google file as a submission type. Teachers can choose to accept a single google file or multiple google files if necessary.

When either of these options are selected, when students click the plus to add an attachment, they will see the option to attach a file, create a Google doc or choose a Google doc from their drive, that will then automatically be shared with their teacher. (student view below)

Use Google Files as Templates
Create a template using Google docs, sheets, slides, and more.
When an assignment is created, within the settings a teacher has the option to choose a student annotation as a submission type.

Once student annotation is selected, an option will appear to choose the annotation template to use. Click on "Choose Google file"

Use the search field to find the template you would like students to use.

Once the template is chosen, select save.

When student annotation is selected as a submission type, students will have the ability to view the template and to create a copy of the template that they can edit, that will automatically be shared with their teacher. (student view below)

PDF Snap Shots
When students submit a Google doc, they still have the ability to change the contents of their work after they have submitted. This means, a student might submit a document before it is due, so it is not counted as late, and then continue to complete the work via Google, making it seem as though they did their work on time.
Echo now takes a PDF snap shot of submitted Google docs, so that teachers can see exactly what the student's work was when it was submitted.

If a teacher wants to leave a student feedback and allow them to update their work, they can do so by:
1. Grading the assignment
2. Leaving feedback
3. Allowing a retry

Now a new PDF snapshot has been taken.

The original PDF snap shot lives in the submission history. This allows teachers to have a static copy of older work and revised work regardless to future edits made to the Google doc.

Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn’t match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
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