To submit an assignment for feedback or grading, enter a course through the activities button.

Locate the assignment within the activities list, to-do list, or by using the search feature.
When you find the assignment select it by clicking on the title.

Clicking on the assignment will open a new window.
Within the assignment, a student can:
- See instructions for the assignment
- See the due date for the assignment
- Jump to the submission box, or to peer help (if available)
- View grade details for the assignment (if graded by teacher)
- Type in their answer or response to the activty
- Add an attachment to their submission
- Submit their work when finished
- Navigate to previous or next activities
Note: Echo now has an auto save feature. If a student is typing within an assignment and leaves the assignment, the work will still be there when they return.

Once the assignment is complete, click submit my work and close out of the assignment using the X in the upper left hand corner.

Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn’t match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
1 comment
It would be helpful for students (and teachers) if there was the capability of adding a comment box into an activity itself if students are having issues with an assignment.
Not all schools allow for the students to email the teachers through echo.
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