This article describes additional information that may be helpful when creating a OneRoster upload file or when troubleshooting SIS Sync issues.
Do all of the rows need to contain values for each header field?
No. However, you are expected to provide a value for each header field that is required according to the OneRoster specification. Refer to CSV Format for more details.
For example, in the academicSessions.csv you are required to include the header field (i.e., column) parentSourcedId, but you are not required to provide a value in the corresponding rows.
Example (displayed as a table for readability):
sourcedid | title | type | startDate | endDate | parentSourcedid | schoolYear |
123456 | Fall | term | 2020-09-01 | 2020-12-18 | 2021 | |
234567 | Winter | term | 2021-01-04 | 2021-03-26 | 2021 | |
345678 | Spring | term | 2021-03-29 | 2021-06-25 | 2021 |
How are the property values mapped between the OneRoster zip file and Echo?

What is a base course?
Echo allows for multiple derivative courses to be managed (e.g., settings, content) from a base course. The derivative course receives updates from the base course as long as it was not explicitly changed in the derivative course. This workflow allows for efficient curriculum development and distribution while still allowing for teachers and schools to further enhance their course.
The OneRoster integration may create organization (e.g., state, district, school) base courses, a teacher base course, and academic session base course for every course that is taught. The classes (i.e., where student enrollments exist) will be created as derivative courses of the academic session base course, or the next available base course. This means that settings or content added to the state base course will be inherited by all organization base courses and subsequently the teacher/academic session base courses and the section courses.
In the example below, there is:
- A state organization
- Two school district organizations
- Three school organizations
- Three teachers
- Two academic sessions per teacher
- A total of ten section courses (or “classes”)
The higher in the hierarchy content or changes are made, the more derivative courses that would receive the change. For example, if a new assessment were to be added to the:
- State organization base course, this assessment would appear in each distinct organization base course, school organization base course, teacher base course, academic session base course, and course section.
- School base course, it would appear in each teacher base course, academic session base course, and section course.
- Teacher base course, it would appear in each of that teacher’s academic session base courses section courses.
If the settings or content is supposed to be available to all students in the:
- state, then it should be added to the state organization base course.
- district, then it should be added to the district organization base course.
- school, then it should be added to the school organization base course.
- teacher’s courses for the current and future sections, then it should be added to the teacher base course.
- teacher’s courses for a specific academic session, then it should be added to the teacher’s academic session base course.
- specific section course, then it should be added to the section course.
Who is enrolled into the different types of courses?
- Organization base course: Nobody. Echo Administrators should manually enroll curriculum developers and other users, as necessary.
- Teacher base course: The primary teacher of the particular course. Each teacher may get their own teacher base course for each unique course they teach.
- Academic Session Base Course: The primary teacher of the particular course. Each teacher may get one or more Academic Session base course for each unique course they teach, and for each term that course is taught in.
- Section course: The teacher(s) and students of the section course.
Will Echo Administrator accounts be created automatically?
No, the OneRoster integration will not create Echo Administrator accounts automatically.
How can I tell if the user, course, or enrollment is managed by the OneRoster integration?
If the user, course, enrollment, or domain has an external ID that is prefixed with “or-”, then it will be managed by the OneRoster integration. Echo Administrators can review if the entity has an external ID by looking at the list of users, courses, enrollments, or domains in the Admin app.
Where in Echo are users created?
Users are created in the domain that is associated with the first organization for the user in the user.csv file.
Where in Echo are the courses created?
Organization base courses are created in the domain that is associated with the organization. Teacher base courses, academic session bases courses, and section courses are created in the domain associated with section courses (classes.csv).
If a teacher or admin creates a course outside of the OneRoster integration, will it be changed by the sync?
As long as the course external ID does not prefix with “or-”, it will not be modified by the OneRoster integration.
How can I use an existing Echo course as a OneRoster integration managed course?
There are times that you want to use an already existing Echo course as a OneRoster integration managed course. For example, you created a course that you want to be used as a school organization base course. To do so:
- Identify the OneRoster integration managed school organization base course in Echo.
- Update the manually created course to have the same external ID as the managed school organization Base course.
- Delete the external ID from the undesired school organization base course.
The next time the sync runs, it will update all teacher base courses to point to the new school organization base course. Follow the same process for replacing any of the OneRoster integration managed courses with a manually created course.
What determines if base courses are created for a section course?
For a section course to have a base course, the section course (classes.csv) must have a course code with the associated course.csv in the OneRoster zip file.
What will happen to a user that is moved from one school to another in the OneRoster zip file?
If a user is moved from one school to another, whether due to a transfer or advancement, the OneRoster integration will move the user to the new school along with all of their past information. This will occur if the following conditions are met.
- The user’s sourcedId did not change in the OneRoster zip file (users.csv).
- The two school organizations exist in the same OneRoster zip file.
Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn’t match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
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