By default, the OneRoster SIS Sync will create all new domains, users, courses and enrollments when it is enabled for the first time. To establish a connection between your existing SIS and Echo data requires that the External Id fields be updated in Echo to the OneRoster identifier.
Typically, this is only done for the domains and users, but the same principals would apply to courses and enrollments.
Updating Domain External Id
To prevent the One Roster SIS Sync from creating new domains when first enabled, the domain's External ID must be updated.
- Using the orgs.csv file generated by your SIS, locate the [sourcedId]
- Update the domain's External Id. If the [sourcedId] is "123456", use "or--123456" as the External Id.
Updating Users External Ids
To prevent the One Roster SIS Sync from creating all new users when first enabled, the users' External Id field must be updated. The sync uses the [sourcedId] passed by the SIS to generate the the External ID in Echo.
Note that the [sourcedId] might not be the student number regularly displayed in the SIS's UI. It may be necessary to look in the users.csv file produced by your SIS to determine the values.
A student with a [sourcedId] "123456789" in the uses.csv file would be assigned an External Id "or--123456789" in Echo. The "or" is for OneRoster so that we can identify the users/courses/enrollments that are managed by the sync.
Updating the External ID field for all users before we enabled the sync to reflect the "or--"+sourcedId format requires some spreadsheet gymnastics, but it only needs to be done once.
- Download user list from Echo. You can do that from the Other tab in the Reporting tool or from the Echo Admin Console (which is formatted for updating user information).
- Obtain the users.csv file from your SIS OneRoster export.
- Replace the existing External Id data with the "or--"+sourcedIdformatted string. You can use a lookup function and formulas to do this in bulk.
- Use the updated .csv to import the new External Id to the existing accounts.. The only required column headers you would need are Action, User Id, and External Id.
Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn’t match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
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