Dear Echo Admins,
As you look forward to a much needed break, the elves in the Echo workshop have been building a set of video based Echo training courses to make sure your school is getting the very most out of Echo. Using Echo at its fullest to organize and manage learning is even more important as so many of you are coping with full or partial school closures.
In addition to the Echo Administration and Echo 101 courses released this summer, we now have an Echo 201 course, Echo for School Leaders course, and an Echo Lead Training course. The Echo Lead role is newly defined this year. While the Echo Admin role focuses mostly on the technical aspects of maintaining Echo, the Echo Lead role focuses more on supporting teachers to use best practices to improve student learning.
You can get information about each course in this article found in our Echo Help Desk, or jump right in to the New Tech Training center and start learning. Be sure to forward this email to your staff.
Keep up the amazing work you are doing for your students! Your efforts are appreciated!
Best Wishes
The Echo Team
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