A student's To-Do list contains a list of tasks that have been assigned to the student but have not been completed yet. It can be a helpful guide for students to quickly see what they have to do.
For an item to show in the student's To-Do list:
- The student has an active enrolled in the course
- The assignment is not locked from the student's view
- The assignment is within a week of its due date
- The assignment has not been completed by the student
- The assignment can still be submitted by the student (if the due date has passed, late work is accepted)
If a student were to fall behind for whatever reason, this to-do list can become cluttered and difficult for a student to manage. Below are some tips teachers can follow to help manage a student's to-do list.
Tip #1: Set a firm due date
Assignments will appear on a student's to-do list a few days before the due date and will drop off the to-do list after the due date passes. However, if the teacher has set the item to accept late work anytime, the item will stay on the student's to-do list until it's completed. While there are good reasons to give students opportunities to submit late work, these policies are only effective if the class culture promotes and supports getting that work done. Otherwise, the end of the term can become a mad rush to submit low quality work.
To keep the student's To-Do list manageable, think carefully about each assignment's late work settings and consider instituting a clear classroom structure that facilitates the completion of those tasks in a timely manner.
How do I use the Activity Editor to manage activity settings?

Tip #2: Configure completion settings on assignments
Teachers have control of when an item is marked "complete" by the system. In the Advanced activity settings panel, teachers can set activities to be marked complete when:
- when a student opens an activity (for ungraded assignments)
- when a student submits an activity
- when the teacher scores the student work
- when the student gets a passing score
When an item is marked complete by the system, it is removed from the student's To-Do list. For example, if an activity is set to always accept late work and to be marked complete when the item is scored, once the teacher enters a "0" for the missing assignment, it will no longer be listed on the student's To-Do list.
How do I use the Activity Editor to manage activity settings?

If you do not see the Advanced activity options panel in your activity settings tab, ask your Echo Administrator to enabled this feature.
Tip #3: Manually mark assignments complete
Teachers also have an option to mark an activity complete on the scoring page. This will remove the item from the individual student's to-do list.

Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn't match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
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