The following instructions will guide you on the on boarding a new Echo Admin. Whether they are new school or an existing, our goal is to ensure they have a solid foundation to manage their domain and users, as well as feel supported by NTN Platform Support.
New School Echo Admin
If you are managing new school on boarding, you most likely will learn who is the EA. It is also important that you track their progress in Dawn to ensure they complete the EA training prior to the start of school and/or events. In addition, the new school EA will need to schedule a readiness call to review their domain settings and ask question if necessary. It is recommended to do 2 follow up emails to those listed as Echo Admin.s reminding them of the importance of course completion. You can find the tracking document here.
The tasks for the new EA is as follows:
- Training with Dawn virtual courses (this is self pace and they enroll themselves)
- Correct Echo permissions in school domain they support or the district. (if multiple schools)
- Review Echo domain settings (Grading terms, school year, course templates, Google Workspace, etc)
- Add new EA to Zendesk
- Grant new EA Member Manager in MRT
New Echo Admin at existing school
The process for a new EA at an existing school is closely the same. You will want to review their domain settings, (school year, grade terms, course templates, Google integration's, etc), just to be familiar and if you see anything that may need updating.
Tasks for the new EA is as follows:
- Training with Dawn virtual courses (this is self pace and they enroll themselves)
- Correct Echo permissions in school domain they support or the district. (if multiple schools)
- Review Echo domain settings (Grading terms, school year, course templates, Google Workspace, etc)
- Add new EA to Zendesk
- Grant new EA Member Manager in MRT
Welcome Letter template
Hello <Echo Admin Name>
My name is <enter your name>. I’m the Platform <title> for New Tech Network and it is my responsibility to support you as you learn to manage your Echo domain. I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the New Tech Network community!
You are receiving this letter because your school leader has designated you to act as the Echo Administrator. We are here to support you as you learn to manage Echo’s platform. After many years supporting Echo, we’ve learned what it takes to have a smooth launch and implementation. The good news is we’ve migrated our training to a completely virtual experience. The resources and activities we’ve developed are designed to ensure you have the best possible experience with the platform.
Here are four tasks to get you started.
- Verify Your Account in Echo Help Desk - You should have received an email asking you to verify your account in the Echo Help Desk. The Help Desk contains more than 400 articles that cover nearly every aspect of managing Echo for your school. As an Echo Administrator, you have the ability to submit a support request through the Echo Help Desk.
- Take The Echo Administration Learning Course - This is a self-paced course that covers basic Echo administration including configuring your domain, managing user accounts, creating courses, and troubleshooting problems. The course can be found on the NTN Training Site and will take 3-4 hours to complete.
- Schedule Readiness Call - After you finish the Administration course and before school starts, we’d like to schedule a readiness call to review your domain configuration, answer any questions, and make sure you are ready for a smooth start to the school year.
- Take the Echo 101 Learning Course - To get a deeper understanding of Echo, we also strongly recommend you complete the Echo 101 for Teachers course. This is the same course the rest of your school staff is completing. Please allow 2-3 hours to get through the self-paced material.
Review Current Contract and Memberships - Log into Echo and access the NTN Member Resources tool. On the Member Management tab, review your current contract information and licenses. Also review the current list of staff and adjust membership allocation as needed. In some cases, your school will have already met or exceeded your membership licenses. This will require you to remove existing memberships before you can add any new ones.
- Note: The NTN Member Resources tool lists all active Echo accounts that have their Echo User Type set to Staff. If a staff member is missing from the list, check to see that their Echo account is configured correctly. Even if you are not using Echo with students, all members of NTN get an Echo account to access our training materials, Project Library, and other resources.
- Adding New Staff - As new staff are hired, be sure to use the NTN Member Resources management pages to identify them as members of NTN. This will ensure new staff have full access to NTN's resources. Without being allocated a license, your staff will not have access to content such as the NTN Help & Learning Center or the NTN Slack Community.
We look forward to working with you and are eager to make sure you, your staff, and the students have a positive experience using Echo.
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