When there is a large number of users that need to be created, using the bulk import process will expedite creating users. In addition, the file that you create will be a record of user information.
Note: This document references views and actions that are only available to Echo Administrators.
- If you plan to integrate with an SSO please ensure that your usernames in Echo match the usernames being authenticated. See this article for more information. How do I set up a custom SAML application using Google SSO
Step 1. Gather Information
Export the following data from your Student Information System: Its very important to ensure you include the parent and student in the same file. This data will help assists you in creating your association file as you will have the parent and child together.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Staff, Student, Parent SIS IDs. This data populates the External ID column in Echo. This data is used when associating parent to student.
- Email address
Step 2. Create your File
Use the attached file as a template to help build your import file: UserCreationTemplate.csv
Complete the following fields:
- Action - (Mandatory) Use "Add" when adding new users
- Username - (Mandatory) This will be the user's login name and it must be unique.
- External ID - (Recommended) Having the SIS ID (Student Number) of the student helps when exporting grades or with the association between parent and child
- Last Name - (Mandatory)
- First Name - (Mandatory)
- Email - (Recommended) - Enter the email address for your users. This email address will be used for notifications and communication through Echo. For parents it also is used for association with their student.
- Password - (Mandatory)
- Userspace - (Optional) Only required if adding accounts across multiple domains
- Role - (Mandatory) Enter "Staff" for Staff accounts, "Echo Admin" for the schools Echo Admin; leave blank for Student and Parents
- Echo User Type - (Mandatory) Identifies the user type and stores these options. Choose “Staff”, “Student”, Parent”, “TestAccount”
- Echo Grad Year - (Mandatory) Identifies the students's graduation year. Stores a four-digit number (ie, 2020)
- Echo IEP - (Optional) Identifies if the user has an IEP on file (if applicable). Options are “Yes” and “No”.
SAVE as a .csv file
BEST PRACTICE: When importing students, we recommend that you import them using a separate file for each grade level. This file can then be altered to update students when they move to another school or when they graduate.
Step 3. Import File
- Select the User Tool
- Click on Import from the vertical menu.
- Choose the file
- Click Next
![Browse to your import file](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/002/342/657/original/0b79c5c9-83cb-4b67-b2d7-b8858b2fc4ce.jpg)
Review the information to be imported.
Click on Import.
Once the file is imported, you will see a page that reports the number of rows imported and any errors.
Echo is constantly being improved based on the feedback from users and we strive to keep our documentation up to date. If this document doesn't match what you are seeing in Echo, please let us know.
I successfully added 117 students tonight! Yeah! I used the UserCreation2018.csv file to set up my user file; the only aspect that didn't work, and I didn't notice in time was the Echo user role. In the file, it says student. I just pull-down copied that role 117 times, but I think it may not have worked because I should have added " " around the word. Might that be the case? I will edit the files individually, but I wanted to know if that was the case? That said, I really did enjoy not having to type out the info for 117 new students (so far). :)
Hi Jayne, Student and Parents do not get a RoleID assigned. This is only for Staff. Thank you however, I see this step being confusing and will update the documentation. Also, I see you can open support tickets, you may want to do that instead of leaving a comment in the documentation as we don't always see them.
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